It was a fast passage to Aberystwyth yesterday, helped in the last 2 hours by a strong Northerly wind.
Things were getting a bit lively, when I had a 'fly past' from 2 dolphins. They then proceeded to escort me up to the harbour entrance; never had a guard of honour like that before!
I tried to take photos one handed but it was too rough and I needed the other hand for the tiller!
Before entering the harbour I had to rig the fenders and mooring line - not easy on your own when the boat is pitching around. Maybe I do need a crew after all!
I was here in time to meet Mom at the station. She is going to sail with me for the last few days.
Her brief from the family; 'make sure that he goes into the marina at Pwllheli, rather than carrying on around Britain again!'
One classic from Mom yesterday. She is well know for going into the wrong toilets in pubs, restaurants and public places. Many a man has been put off his stride as she enters the Gents Loo instead of the Ladies. I particularly remember an incident at Porthmadog in 1974!
Well she did a new one at Wetherspoons last night. She went off to find the Ladies and ended up in the kitchen!
Probably off to Abersoch today for a final night at anchor, before completing the whole adventure tomorrow.
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