Tom, Peter and I are all keen listeners of podcasts and specifically the Simon Mayo / Mark Kermode Film Reviews on Radio 5 Live.
I brought a large number of podcasts with me on the trip and have continued to download them.
However for some reason I have not found time to listen to any of them. Not sure why, but time seems to pass quickly and I am always busy sorting out boat stuff or sitting chilling with my ship mates, boring them with my repeated anecdotes!
The other thing with me is that I am not very good at taking hints! I suspect that it is a combination of having poor hearing, not listening and often being in a world of my own.
It started first with Peter, who told me several times and in a text, that I would really enjoy the Film Review podcast from the 18th May. It was followed by further hints from Vanessa, Tom and Abigail - all referring to the same date.
I sort of registered it, but carried on with all my boat stuff and as I had not been listening to podcasts anyway, forgot about it.
I finally remembered it on the long leg from Stonehaven to Eyemouth and decided to listen.
About 3 minutes into the podcast, the following words were spoken by Simon:
"This from Peter Johnson. Dear best selling authors - I like that - my friend Andy is sailing around Britain for his - ahem(!) - 50th Birthday. He has invited friends and family.............................."
As usual I was not totally paying attention and my first thought was; what an amazing coincidence, a dedication to someone doing exactly the same thing as me...
I listened with more interest;
" join him for Legs, a week at a time. He started last week from Pwllheli (Simon Mayo's pronunciation was even worse than mine!) and I am joining him in Kirkudbright..................."
At this point the penny finally dropped - they were talking about me!
Fame at Last!
Many thanks to Peter, and apologies that it took so long for me to listen to it; 20th June to be precise! You can download the podcast yourself if you are interested.
I promise that I will try to listen more in the future; but as Vanessa will tell you, the best hints to me are ones that are written down on a post-it note and placed somewhere that I can't miss.
"I am having my hair cut today, remember to tell me that I look nice!" is the best example ever!
Sewing machine will be out today and I will be repairing the hem of my waterproof jacket, as well as making a new flag for the danbuoy.
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