Well, the storms that battered the rest of the uk somehow missed us here in Oban. We had sun and light winds yesterday, quite bizarre really.
It was a day of boat repairs, with a local engineer looking at the VHF. The signal is now acceptable but it won't be fixed without climbing the mast and probably running a new cable.
The other repair is to a leaky fuel delivery pipe seal. I have been finding diesel under the engine for weeks and managed to find the source yesterday. The boatyard chap here is currently looking for a replacement seal but if we have to order one, it could delay us by a few days!
Peter dubbed the engine my third child, and it is certainly turning out to be more demanding than the other two put together!
We have had a great week, and have been remembering stuff from University that we had both forgotten (some of it for good reasons!) Now that Griff is going, it is time for me to revert back to behaving like a 49 year old and not a teenager. Shame really!
Lots of boat crews here have uniforms; mostly clothing with boat names on. We wondered if we should also have one for all shipmates from now on. We spotted the perfect outfit yesterday (see photo).
Jim Meadowcroft drives up today and Griff is then driving the car back to Manchester. Your uniform is waiting Jim!
Off to Fort William and the Caledonian Canal next - once the bloomin' engine is sorted!
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