Great sail today - it was perfect wind and we explored more of Loch Fyne; before coming back to Otters Point and the lovely pub here.
It's been a day of repairs as ever: water in fuel filter, gunge in water filter, diesel under the engine and our old friend - fresh water in the bilge..............aghhhhhhhhhhh - where is it coming from?
I have also realised how dependent we are on baby products on the boat:
Baby oil for the depth guage
Nappies to clean up oil
Baby wipes to replace showers
Vaseline to moisten my dry lips!
We have run out of it all, so I expect a very odd look when I go into the local store tomorrow!
Beautiful evening here, we had tea in the cockpit. The eagle eyed will spot mushy peas - lovely!
Very civilised - eating off flat plates rather than out of dog bowls!! Bread and butter in a separate dish too - very posh!