Tarbert - bustling harbour quite active with fishing boats. Investigated the local coffee shop this morning. It seemed quite a locals' establishment but we soldiered on with our sassenach ways asking for drinks and cakes when others were waiting to sit down for cod and chips.
What has struck me is how fast the time goes during the day. You think you're going to be kicking your heels but time just seems to vanish - must be the highlands and islands do it to you.
I've been asked to give my reflections on the week. There hasn't been as much sailing as I'd expected but that's the weather for you. But as a result we've met some really interesting and welcoming people along the way and seen places (like Threave) that we would have missed. I think the key for me has been to enjoy what we're doing and not worry about what we're not doing. Live in the moment as Meg (my other half) would say.
We now have a method of avoiding re-telling the same anecdotes. Once Andy's started it (it's always him) and you realise you've heard it before (or it is in danger of becoming REALLY dull), you can put your hand up and point to the imaginary matrix on the wall showing anecdote vs crew member. No offence taken.
Also take Abi's advice and keep him plentifully supplied with tea. Expect him to treat the engine like his third child.
Thanks Andy (Yob, Sol or whatever your real name is) I've really enjoyed my week with you. Tomorrow my next adventure starts - going home. Two buses, two ferries, a train, a lift, an overnight stay and a drive. Wish me luck! Below is the most boring photo we could find!!
Correction Peter - he treats the engine like his first born!!